Special Consultant
Phil is a West Virginia native and 1956 graduate of West Virginia University, 1957 graduate of D.T. Watson Physical Therapy School, and earned a Master’s degree from West Virginia University in 1965.
He is a retired Colonel U.S. Army Reserve. He was Chief Physical Therapist at Akron City Hospital 1958-1960, Instructor and Assistant Athletic Trainer at West Virginia University 1960-1965, Head Athletic Trainer and Professor of Physical Education at West Chester University, 1965-1991. He owned a private Sports Physical Therapy Clinic in West Chester 1981-1995. Since 1997 he has served as a Consultant to the Philadelphia Phillies for 10 years and the Philadelphia Eagles for 5 years. He is now available to treat patients part time at the West Chester office of Optimum Physical Therapy Associates. He also performs research and clinical care lectures on shoulder and full body kinetic chain topics.
He has authored 1 book with 12 editions, edited 2 books, contributed to 12 books, presented 35 original papers on Sports Medicine subjects, published 16 articles, taught 48 two day continuing education courses including those for P.T.s, ATC, Physicians, and Hospital Administrators, served as a consultant for 16 sports medicine clinics and universities, and delivered over 220 talks on Sports Medicine subjects. In 1970 while at West Chester University he was the founder and director for 20 years of the 5th NATA Approved Athletic Training Education Program, the 1st coeducational program in the country. He was a staff Athletic Trainer/Physical Therapist for both the 1980 Winter Olympics and the 1996 Summer Olympics.
His most recent research activity has focused on a ten-year study of professional baseball players. Since 1998 he has measured 58 variables on 2500 pitchers and 350 position players on one professional team and over 200 pitchers of ages 12-35 in private practice.
Prevention and rehabilitation methods have been developed for the upper extremity and rest of the body kinetic chain. These methods when applied have resulted in a significant decrease in the frequency and severity of throwing injuries. This has resulted in decreased lost time and lowered health care costs. Using new exercises has also improved mechanical efficiency and effectiveness for the entire body in general and the throwing motion in particular. Equally important has been the positive results of using these methods for a wide variety of upper extremity problems in the general population who are exposed to risk in their occupations or during recreational activities.
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